21 Signs He Likes You Through Text – Health & Fitness Articles

21 Signs He Likes You Through Text

Harini Natarajan

21 Signs He Likes You Through Text

You finally exchanged numbers with that cutie! Congratulations! That’s the first step. The next stage is flirtation – and texting back and forth. However, the drawback of this texting stage is it can be hard to read the signs – does he really like you, or is he being nice?

When you are texting, you will have to decipher what they mean without being able to see their body language or hearing their tone of voice. Thankfully, there are several signs you can look out for to determine whether he likes you or is just being friends. The more of these subtle signs he shows, the higher the chance is that he likes you back. Take a peek!

How Guys Text When They Like You

  1. He Texts Back Immediately
  2. He Wishes You Weren’t Just Texting
  3. He Talks About Things You Both Would Be Doing If He Was There
  4. He Lets You Know If He Can’t Text Back Right Now
  5. He Often Uses Flirty Emojis
  6. He Likes Hearing Your Stories
  7. He Wants To Know More About You
  8. He Writes You Long Texts
  9. He Texts You First
  10. He Texts Throughout The Day
  11. He Gives You A Nickname
  12. He Likes Hearing About Your Day
  13. He Texts You Before Going To Sleep
  14. He Asks Questions
  15. You Two Come Up With Inside Jokes Together
  16. He Texts You Randomly
  17. He Compliments You
  18. He Texts You When He Is Drunk
  19. He Texts You When Something Important Happens
  20. He Texts You Random Things That Make You Laugh
  21. He Never Sends Multiple Texts In A Row

21 Signs He Likes You

1. He Texts Back Immediately

21 Signs He Likes You Through Text


This is a tell-tale sign. You can be 100% sure that a guy likes you if he responds to your texts immediately. At the very least, he has started to develop feelings for you, which is actually the first step to liking everything about you.

Responding quickly means that he is genuinely interested in having a conversation with you and wants to know you better. He is trying to keep the conversation going and doesn’t want you to lose interest. It also shows that your love interest is not interested in playing games. However, if he takes days to text back, he is either trying to avoid you or has more important things on his mind.

2. He Wishes You Weren’t Just Texting

He doesn’t just want to text, buddy, he wants to see you! He keeps on dropping hints that he would rather be with you than just text, and all the things you guys would be doing if he were with you. He may text things like – “I have to work, otherwise we could totally hang out!” or “I wish I was there with you.”

3. He Talks About Things You Both Would Be Doing If He Were There

If he is always talking about things you both would do if you guys were hanging out, it is an obvious sign that he is interested in being more than just friends. If nothing, he is at least thinking and fantasizing about spending quality time with you.

Also, he is trying to gauge your reaction to find out whether you reciprocate his feelings or not. If you respond favorably, he will be enthusiastic about expressing his feelings even more.

4. He Lets You Know If He Can’t Text Back Right Now

A guy who has feelings for you won’t waste your time. As much as he would love to keep texting 24/7, he has other obligations as well. Instead of forcing you to wait for him in between texts, a guy who is into you would tell you straight up that he has to run some errands. After he is done, he will hit you up with “Hi, I am back! What’s up?” Anybody who cares about you will show consideration for your time.

5. He Often Uses Flirty Emojis

21 Signs He Likes You Through Text


A few guys aren’t much into using emojis or don’t understand them, so don’t stress too much if your love interest only sticks to words. However, if he sends you flirty emojis liberally, he is more likely than not trying to be cute and flirty with you. Some of the common ones he will send are heart eyes emoji, smiley face with the tongue sticking out, or wink emoji. If the guy is sending you any of the above emojis when he texts you, he likes you!

6. He Likes Hearing Your Stories

If a man likes you, he will want to know more about you. He will try to get you to open up about everything in your life. He will ask questions that require answers longer than “sure” or “LOL.” A guy most probably likes you if he asks you for your life stories. He loves listening to your personal experiences and is interested in picking your brain.

7. He Wants To Know More About You

What exactly does he text you? Does he just text about the weather, sports, his friends, or is he asking serious questions about your life? If he texts asking about your family and friends and what you do with your time, he probably is interested in you. He might even ask you follow-up questions about something you stated in a previous text. He is paying close attention to who you truly are and remembering details about you.

8. He Writes You Long Texts

Guys don’t like texting, period. However, if he texts you a lot and sends long, detailed replies, it means that he LOVESSS texting you.

9. He Texts You First

Do you always wake up to a good morning text from him? Does he text you while at work or as soon as he is off work? If you answer yes to all these questions, it is almost certain that he likes you!

If a guy is into you, he will fight his awkwardness and shyness. This is a sign that he thinks you are worth talking to, even if there is a chance of being rejected. It is usually a bad sign if you are always the one starting conversations. Try to notice – does he try to engage you, or does he simply reply to your messages? If he starts the convo and replies quickly, it’s a sign he is interested and probably likes you.

10. He Texts Throughout The Day

21 Signs He Likes You Through Text


Do you both go back and forth via text the entire day? If you both are involved in one long conversation that continues all day, it’s a sign something romantic is brewing.

As we mentioned earlier, most guys don’t like texting. If they are texting all day, it is for a specific purpose, usually to gather information. If he is texting you all day aimlessly, his goal is to form a connection with you. He may not have anything important to say, but he wants to remind you that he’s around. That’s a sign!

11. He Gives You A Nickname

Guys will give you a silly/ cute nickname when they like you. It’s an adorable way of building intimacy with the person they like. If he gives you a special nickname early on and then keeps using it over and over, that’s a sign he is trying to get close with you.

12. He Likes Hearing About Your Day

If a guy likes you, even little, mundane things about you will interest him. If he texts and asks what you did at work or in class or what you had for lunch, it’s a good sign.

An especially sweet gesture is when he remembers the details you told him. If he asks you about how your doctor’s appointment went (that you had mentioned a few weeks ago), bingo! He not only asks you about the general things that make up your day but also does that with genuine interest. That’s a clear sign he adores you.

13. He Texts You Before Going To Sleep

This one is like the good morning text he sends. If he texts you before going to sleep, it’s because you are the last person on his mind as he is drifting off.

14. He Asks Questions

If a man likes you, he’s going to ask you about yourself – some subtle, some not so much. Also, it provides him with an excuse to keep talking to you. If he seems extremely inquisitive and curious when he’s texting you, it’s a sign he is developing feelings for you.

15. You Two Come Up With Inside Jokes Together

21 Signs He Likes You Through Text


This is like having special nicknames for each other. When you start having inside jokes just between the two of you, the intimacy between you both will grow. It’s something cute and private that only the two of you share and doesn’t include anyone else. If he is making inside jokes with you, it is because he wants to get more intimate with you – and maybe share other intimate things too, in good time.

16. He Texts You Randomly

Does your phone ping randomly, and you see that it is the guy you are developing feelings for? Does it seem like he finds random things to talk about or asks you weird questions out of the blue? If yes, he is most likely looking for an excuse to reach out to you. He really has no reason to text other than just wanting to start a conversation with you.

17. He Compliments You

When a guy starts to develop feelings for you, he starts mentioning little things he notices and likes about you. Does he ever mention that he likes your hair or your perfume? Does he text to mention you looked pretty the last time you guys met? Does he compliment the color of your eyes? A way to a woman’s heart is through giving her compliments, and guys know that. When a guy likes you, he won’t be able to stop himself from obsessing about your positive points.

18. He Texts You When He Is Drunk

This is an obvious one. When he is drinking, he is in a vulnerable state and wants to text you. Alcohol doesn’t always bring out the truth, though it does lower our inhibitions and bring out our emotions. If the guy suddenly starts being flirty and cute whenever he has had a few too many, he most likely likes you romantically. However, if he only texts when he is drunk, that’s not a good sign.

19. He Texts You When Something Important Happens

Do you get to know about something important in this guy’s life right away or days later? If this guy tells you about all the big and small stuff going on in his life, it’s a sign he considers you important.

20. He Texts You Random Things That Make You Laugh

21 Signs He Likes You Through Text


Funny is cute. If the guy is regularly texting you memes, jokes, or hilarious anecdotes, it is definitely a sign that he has feelings for you. He cares enough about you to make you laugh. Also, if he can make laugh, that’s a sign that you both have the same sense of humor. This is super important if you plan to have a relationship with him in the future.

21. He Never Sends Multiple Texts In A Row

If a guy really likes you, he is going to be worried about looking too desperate. That means he will try to avoid texting too many times in a row without getting a reply from you. A guy who isn’t that serious about you may not worry about looking desperate and will easily send a bunch of texts in a row. However, a guy who likes you will try to “play it cool.”

Figuring out whether a guy likes you over text may seem like an easy task, but it can easily backfire if you misread the signs. But with this guide, you will know for sure whether that cutie has eyes for you.

Texting has completely changed the way we communicate, make plans, talk, and more importantly, flirt. We have become more available to other people, which makes it harder to distinguish between casual conversations from something that is way more significant. However, go with your gut feeling – those butterflies in your tummy will seldom be wrong. All the best!

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