15 Amazing Benefits Of Chyawanprash – Health & Fitness Articles

15 Amazing Benefits Of Chyawanprash

Maanasi Radhakrishnan

15 Amazing Benefits Of Chyawanprash

You may have resorted to so many measures to remain healthy and fit over the years, but have you ever tried using specially formulated ayurvedic supplements? If you are a believer in the traditional methods of ayurveda, then eating chyawanprash is ideal for you. There are host of health benefits of chyawanprash.

Would you like to know more and whether is chyawanprash good or bad? Keep reading!

What Is Chyawanprash?

Chyawanprash is a herb based formulation and health supplement that can be taken by people, from literally any age group. Both men and women can benefit from taking chyawanprash regularly. It tastes sweet, sour and a tad spicy, and looks like fruit jam to an extent. It is sticky and has a brownish-black hue.

Chyawanprash Ingredients

How to make chyawanprash? As it is, chyawanprash is made with oodles of herbs and plant extracts that have proven medicinal properties. The actual formula of chyawanprash is said to be several thousand years old. The herbs and extracts used to make this formulation have immunity boosting and energizing properties. The formulation can be stored outside the refrigerator and has a long shelf life in general. Brands like Himalaya, Zandu and Dabur are known for making quality Chyawanprash in India. The main ingredients of chyawanprash are:

  • Amla
  • Ashwagandha
  • Neem
  • Pippali
  • White sandalwood
  • Tulsi
  • Saffron
  • Cardamom
  • Arjun
  • Brahmi
  • Safflower honey
  • Ghee

The exact number and amount of the ingredients in making chyawanprash recipe can vary from one brand to another. The hue, taste, and thickness can also vary.

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Chyawanprash Uses

Want to know what are the uses of chyawanprash? Well, bBoth adults and kids can take chyawanprash. Most people prefer taking it in winters, but there is no harm in taking chyawanprash all over the year. Ideally, adults can take it one spoonful both in the morning and night. While manufacturers recommend having it with milk, you may very well take it on an empty stomach as well.

Major Benefits Of Chyawanprash

Check out here some of the best chyawanprash benefits in detail.

1. Prevents Seasonal Infections:

When winter sets in or monsoon starts, the weather undergoes drastic changes, bringing new bacteria, germs and living organisms into the air. Some people fall prey to infections and fevers during these months. Taking chyawanprash helps your body in fighting such fungal and bacterial infections.

2. Enhances The Digestive System:

If you have a weak digestive system, taking chyawanprash regularly may help you enhance it (1). It helps streamline bowel movements and digestion of foods. The cinnamon and amla in this formulation have carminative properties, and they help prevent flatulence. It also helps prevent constipation, a condition affecting a major part of human population.

3. Helps Fight Respiratory Issues:

The herbs present in this ancient formulation can help people suffering from long term and chronic respiratory ailments (2). It actually aids lung functioning to an extent.

4. Helps Keep Skin Radiant & Healthy:

Contrary to what many people think, applying beauty products externally on the skin is not enough to look youthful and attractive. What you take in also reflects on your skin. Chyawanprash contains a number of herbs including amla that has vitamin C in good amounts. Those herbs, when taken internally, help skin stay healthy and radiant. So, in a way, eating chyawanprash helps you thwart signs of aging to an extent. The saffron present in this elixir may aid in improving your complexion.

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5. Aids In Purifying Blood:

People who lead a hectic life, get less sleep or gorge on junk foods frequently get excess toxins in their body. These toxins, when stored in the body, lead to the onset of several complications and ailments. They also hamper with natural blood purification process in your body. Eating chyawanprash helps in purifying the blood and eliminates those excess toxic elements from the body.

6. Enhances Sexual Prowess:

While this is not well known, eating chyawanprash can help boost sexual prowess and help cope with sexual problems better. For example, the herbs present in this formulation help keep menstruation cycle in shape.

7. Assist In Coping With Stress:

The herbs present in this ayurvedic formulation actually have a calming effect on your nervous system. So, eating it may help you cope better with stress.

8. Sharpens Memory And Aids Brain Function:

You have to keep track of so many things in your life and career. It is not uncommon for anyone to forget things at times, even at a young age. Eating chyawanprash makes your body fortified with herbs that aid in boosting brain functions and sharpening memory. Apart from adults, kids can also better focus on their studies and concentrate on various activities by eating this ayurvedic elixir.

9. Offers Energy For Daily Chores:

Owing to workload, incessant multitasking and tension, a lot of people feel a lack of energy in doing things, including daily chores. Chyawanprash contains plenty of herbal extracts that provide your body with enough energy to sail through the daily chores without feeling fatigued or worn out.

10. Aids Weight Loss:

A lot of obese individuals fail to shed excess pounds because their metabolism is not at an optimal level. Eating chyawanprash helps in stimulating the metabolism and thus aids in losing weight (3).

[ Read: Ayurvedic Medicines For Weight Gain ]

11. Heart Health Boost:

This is one of the best benefits of chyawanprash. Yes, eating chyawanprash regularly can benefit heart health, say ayurveda experts.

12. Cholesterol Regulator:

Chyawanprash intake can help lower the high levels of cholesterol in the blood. It also regulates blood pressure (4).

13. Helps Improve Nails And Hair:

Eating this elixir may help improve the health of your hair and nails. The antioxidants present in chyawanprash help slow down premature hair graying and prevent brittle nails.

14. Helps Combat Cold And Cough:

Chyawanprash has vitamin C and other ingredients that help your body stave off virus and bacteria that lead to cold and cough.

15. Urinary Infections:

Taking chyawanprash is likely to benefit those suffering from urine infection and other related ailments.

Points To Keep In Mind

While eating chyawanprash will boost immunity levels and offer you plenty of health benefits, it is not advisable for diabetic patients (though you can find sugar-free variants of chyawanprash for such people nowadays). Chyawanprash contains ghee, but as long as you take it in the recommended chyawanprash dosage, that should not lead to any health problem.

We hope this post on benefits of chyawanprash has helped you. Do give us your feedback by commenting in the box below.

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