7 Best Yoga Poses For Sinus – Health & Fitness Articles

7 Best Yoga Poses For Sinus

Ramya Achanta

7 Best Yoga Poses For Sinus

Does your head split with sinus? Also, do you hate taking pills? Then you have come to the right place because here we will tell you how you can incorporate yoga to treat your sinus infection and problems.

Looking forward, aren’t you? I must tell you then that there are a plethora of yoga poses for a sinus headache that will ease the pain. And, the best part is they are very simple and easy to do.

Let’s begin with 7 best ones among them and see how they work. Shall we?

 Before that let’s learn about Sinusitis.

 What Is Sinus? 

Sinusitis is a problem in your body which occurs due to inflammation in the air-filled cavities present in the skull. Phew!That sounds scary, right? Imagine having to actually go through it.

And why does it happen? There are various reasons for it, and some of the common ones are a stressful lifestyle, alcohol consumption and smoking. Even viral infections and fungal attacks are primary causes of sinusitis.

Sometimes physical conditions like septum problems and nasal bones swelling cause sinus. The sinus problem can occur in anybody of any age or sex.

It is medically known as rhinosinusitis. Other health problems can lead to sinus, and those are different types of allergies, tooth infections (yes, you read that right) and nasal polyps.

Therefore, the sinusitis problem is not a single entity in itself, and various components play a part in it. And, yoga which is all-encompassing is the best solution for it.

Let’s learn how yoga helps in treating sinusitis.

Yoga For Sinus Problem

Allergies are auto-immune problems that can inflame the nasal passages and complicate the pre-existing conditions of asthma. Asthma is, however, caused due to a virus condition. Yoga provides symptomatic relief and gives the body a chance to breathe and recover.

Yoga restores the balance in your body and provides relief from migraine attacks and allergic nasal conditions.

It keeps your mind and body fresh. Yoga makes breathing easier as it opens up your nostrils and allows a smooth flow of air. It even clears the throat region enabling you to deal with the sinusitis problem better.

All of the above and much more which you will only know when you begin to practice. Check the yoga poses below to find out more.

Yoga Poses For Sinus 

  1. Gomukhasana
  2. Janu Sirsasana
  3. Bhujangasana
  4. Ustrasana
  5. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
  6. Adho Mukha Svanasana
  7. Salamba Sarvangasana

1. Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose) 


About The Pose- Gomukhasana or the Cow Face Pose is an asana that is named after the cow as it resembles its face during practice. The Sanskrit word ‘Go’ means cow and also means light. The asana is a beginner level Vinyasa yoga asana. It works best when you practice it in the morning on an empty stomach. Hold the pose for 30 to 60 seconds.

Benefits Of The Pose For Sinusitis- Gomukhasana reduces stress and anxiety. It stretches the chest muscles aiding flexibility in the air passage region. The pose boosts in relaxation when you are worried or tired.

To know more about the pose and its procedure, click here- Gomukhasana.

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2. Janu Sirsasana (Head To Knee Pose) 


About The Pose- Janu Sirsasana or the Head To Knee Pose is an asana that requires you to touch your head to the knee in a seated position as the name of the pose suggests. It is a beginner level Ashtanga yoga asana and works well when you practice it in the morning or evening on an empty stomach. Make sure you hold the pose for at least 30 to 60 seconds on each leg.

Benefits Of The Pose For Sinusitis- Practicing Janu Sirsasana calms your mind and gives a good stretch to your shoulders.  More importantly, any head down posture will help in draining out the fluids, clearing the air passages for optimal breathing. The pose relieves headaches, fatigue, and anxiety. The asana cures insomnia and high blood pressure which can make your sinusitis condition worse.

To know more about the pose and its procedure, click here- Janu Sirsasana.

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3. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)


About The Pose- Bhujangasana or the Cobra Pose is an intense backbend that resembles the raised hood of a snake. Bhujangasana is a beginner level Ashtanga yoga asana. Keep your tummy empty to practice the pose and try to do it in the morning. Hold it for 15 to 30 seconds while you do so.

Benefits Of The Pose For Sinusitis- The Cobra Pose opens up the lungs and invogrates the heart. It works great as a stress release mechanism. This is one of the best yoga poses for sinus relief as it opens up your lungs and makes breathing easier.

To know more about the pose and its procedure, click here- Bhujangasana.

[ Read: 9 Effective Breathing Exercises For Clear And Healthy Lungs ]

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4. Ustrasana (Camel pose)


About The Pose- Ustrasana or the Camel Pose is also a backbend that resembles the stance of a camel. It is a beginner level Vinyasa yoga asana. The asana works best when practiced in the morning on an empty stomach. Hold the pose for 30 to 60 seconds while you do so.

Benefits Of The Pose For Sinusitis- Ustrasana is great for your overall health and well-being. It improves your respiration and stretches your throat and chest. The pose stretches and opens up your entire frontal region.

To know more about the pose and its procedure, click here- Ustrasana.

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5. Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose)


About The Pose- Setu Bandhasana or the Bridge Pose is named so as it resembles a bridge. The pose is a beginner level Vinyasa yoga asana. Practice it in the morning or evening on an empty stomach and clean bowels. Also, remember to hold the pose for 30 to 60 seconds.

 Benefits Of The Pose For Sinusitis- Setu Bandhasana helps relieve stress in the back and stimulates the chest and hyoid glands. Since the heart is stimulated, this positively fills in the heart chambers with easy oxygenated blood and aids in alleviating such conditions.

To know more about the pose and its procedure, click here- Setu Bandha Sarvangasana.

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6. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Pose)


About The Pose- Adho Mukha Svanasana or the Downward-Facing Dog is an asana which looks like a dog bending forward with its head bent down. It is a beginner level Ashtanga/ Hatha level yoga asana. Make sure you practice it in the morning on an empty stomach. And, hold it for 1 to 3 minutes.

Benefits Of The Pose For Sinusitis- The pose improves the blood circulation in the body easing out any knots and stress crumpled up in the body. It stretches your neck and spine releasing pressure in those areas. The downward position of the head decongests the nasal areas, thereby providing relief.

To know more about the pose and its procedure, click here- Adho Mukha Svanasana.

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7. Salamba Sarvangasana (All Limbs Pose) 


About The Pose- Salamba Sarvangasana or the All Limbs Pose is an asana that is considered as the queen of all poses. It is an advanced level Hatha yoga asana that paves the way for more complex asanas. Practice it in the morning on an empty stomach and hold it for 30 to 60 seconds.

Benefits Of The Pose For Sinusitis-The pose cures mild depression and calms your brain. It gives your neck a good stretch and keeps insomnia and fatigue at bay.

To know more about the pose and its procedure, click here- Salamba Sarvangasana.

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 Now, let’s answer some common queries about sinusitis.

Expert’s Answers For Readers’ Questions

Will yoga help cure my sinusitis problem entirely?

There are high chances of yoga being able to do so, but you must consult your doctor and take the help of a yoga teacher to do so.

How often do I practice yoga to help my sinusitis condition?

Practice yoga every day at least once in the day to tackle and heal your sinusitis problem.

Sinus can put you down to no end. You don’t know when it can attack you and take the spark out of you. It is a sad state. The only way out is to help yourself deal with it better with yoga and eventually get rid of it. What are you waiting for then? Get to it.

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